About Us

The Rangeview Metropolitan District is a title 32 quasi municipal, political subdivision of the State of Colorado, formed in 1986. Rangeview was organized to develop water resources, water systems and facilities, wastewater collection and treatment facilities for customers in it's Service Area. The Rangeview Service Area covers approximately 40 square miles or approximately 24,000 acres of the Lowry Range. The Lowry Range is located in southeastern Arapahoe County. 

Rangeview's Water Supply

Rangeview’s water supply comes from a diversified portfolio of surface water rights and groundwater supplies used conjunctively to provide high-quality, drought-resistant water to our customers. Using our water supplies conjunctively means we capture and use our surface water supplies during wet periods or seasonal storm events, with the ability to store these water supplies when necessary for use throughout the year or during dry periods. In addition to our surface water supplies, we also use groundwater from wells developed in the Denver Basin formation which are available throughout the Lowry Range’s uniquely positioned 40 square miles located in southeast Arapahoe County.

We strive to develop and use our water supplies in the most environmentally responsible manner including the use of dual distribution water systems which allow us to deliver high-quality potable water for domestic uses as well as collect, treat, store, and reuse reclaimed wastewater for outdoor irrigation uses, greatly reducing the amount of water wasted by traditional water systems.

The Lowry Range Water Supplies

The Lowry Range Water Supplies include a combination of approximately 26,000 acre feet of deep groundwater, 29,000 acre feet of surface reservoir storage rights, and over 8,100 acre feet of renewable surface water supplies in two tributaries (Coal Creek and Box Elder Creek) which flow through the over 40 square miles of the Lowry Range. On average, combined with the ability to divert and store our renewable supplies the Lowry surface water supplies yield approximately 3,300 acre feet annually.

Summary of Lowry Range Water

  • 25,961 acre feet per year of groundwater


  • 8,125 acre feet of surface water (average yield of 3,300 aft)


  • 29,262 acre feet of surface water storage capacity

Additional Surface Water Supplies

Rangeview in conjunction with its service provider Pure Cycle Corporation, have renewable water supplies including 800 acre feet of Lost Creek water in Weld County.

For more information, please visit Pure Cycle Corporation’s website at www.purecyclewater.com.