Rates & Charges

Water Meter

Our Rates and Charges are comprised of three components:

  1. a water resource charge (tap fee),

  2. a base monthly fee, and

  3. a consumption charge (based on metered deliveries).

The water resource charge or water tap fee is a one-time up-front payment typically paid by a developer to secure the right to water access. This fee includes the amortized cost of water rights as well as a portion of the water infrastructure known as Wholesale facilities used to produce, develop, treat, and transport water into the distribution system. The base monthly fee is a flat, monthly fee billed to each customer, based on a single-family equivalent (SFE) use of water. Consumption charges are tiered rates based on metered water deliveries to each customer.

  View Rangeview Metro 2024 Rates

  View Elbert & Highway 86 2024 Rates


Regional Water Rate Comparison

Rangeview Metropolitan District strives to provide its customers with safe and reliable water at affordable rates. To facilitate that mission, Rangeview frequently analyzes their water rates to ensure they are competitive and to keep up with increasing market costs. The link below shows Rangeview’s water and sewer rates compared to other water providers throughout the greater Denver Metropolitan Area.


  View Comparison

Comparison Image

System Development Charges

Water System Development charges are based on a “Water Budget” methodology, which calculates
projected water demand for each residential lot based on lot size, house size, impervious area, and
irrigated lawn area