Customer Resources

About Us

The Rangeview Metropolitan District is a title 32 quasi municipal, political subdivision of the State of Colorado, formed in 1986. Rangeview was organized to develop water resources, water systems and facilities, wastewater collection and treatment facilities for customers in it's Service Area. The Rangeview Service Area covers approximately 40 square miles or approximately 24,000 acres of the Lowry Range. The Lowry Range is located in southeastern Arapahoe County.


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Glass of water

Request Services

Use this form to request for services to be started, stopped or transfered. Be prepared to provide the service address, the billing address, a phone number and the start or end date for the service.


Service Request Form

Payment Options

Rangeview Metropolitan District provides several convenient payment options for customers. You can pay online using a credit card, e-check, or bank draft/ACH through an online portal that allows for one-time or automatic recurring payments. Payments take up to three business days to post, so schedule them 4-5 days before the due date to avoid late fees. Alternatively, you can mail checks or money orders with a payment coupon, ensuring to send them at least 5-7 days before the due date. Many financial institutions also offer online bill payment services, which debit your checking or savings account. Payments through these services may take up to seven business days to post. Check with your bank for details and any associated fees. These flexible options are designed to accommodate different preferences and ensure timely processing of payments.


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Rates and Charges

Rates and Charges

The water resource charge or water tap fee is a one-time up-front payment typically paid by a developer to secure the right to water access. This fee includes the amortized cost of water rights as well as a portion of the water infrastructure known as Wholesale facilities used to produce, develop, treat, and transport water into the distribution system. The base monthly fee is a flat, monthly fee billed to each customer, based on a single-family equivalent (SFE) use of water. Consumption charges are tiered rates based on metered water deliveries to each customer.


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Rules and Regulations

Rules are established by the Board of Directors under the authority given by specific Colorado laws (Article 35 of Title 31 and Part 10 of Article 1, Title 32, C.R.S.). They govern the operations of the District Systems and take precedence over any informal practices or policies, whether written or not. No one acting on behalf of the District can change or ignore any part of these rules without specific written authorization from the Board of Directors.


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