Watering Guidelines

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Irrigation season is here!

Rangeview Metropolitan District asks you to do your part in watering efficiently this and every summer.

Voluntary water conservation watering days based on address:
Homes ending with an EVEN number = SUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY
Homes ending with an ODD number = MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY
Multifamily, HOA’s, Commercial Properties = MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY

No watering on Fridays. Allows water storage tanks to recover before heavy weekend usage.
No watering between 10am – 6pm. Water will evaporate and this helps prevent turfgrass disease.
Water Waste is prohibited. Watch for runoff, overspray, and leaks.

Efficient Irrigation Tips
Adjust your timer
Don’t set it and forget it! Update your irrigation timer to meet the recommended application rates
Know when to turn your system off
Avoid watering when its raining or windy.
Do not water between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cycle and Soak
Apply water in multiple short cycles to avoid runoff, promote root growth, and maintain a healthy landscape. Wait 30 minutes between cycles.

Report Water Waste to info@rangeviewmetro.org